About me

lauantai 15. kesäkuuta 2013

torstai 13. kesäkuuta 2013

Deer and bird

Hope you all have a lovely summer :)

coffee addict..

Sorry about the long blogging pause, I have come back to "home home" and been quite busy! But I try to be more active with this blog.. It's nice to be back!

 This illustration was part of my theory portfolio for uni, the theme was "food reportage" (in any form  you want) and I have chosen of course coffee! I must admit I really really really need my everyday morning coffee or else..well just put that way, that I would be excelent zombie in the b-class' horrorfilm. Luckily I have friends (especially my roommate), who understand my addiction and usually let me be before I got my coffee.  Is there other fellow coffeelovers?